Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 15th-17th-Luxor & Cairo, Egypt

Karnak Temple at night

Now! The real LIVING HISTORY that is Egypt. It's hard to wrap your head around 2,000 B.C. in the structures within arm's length. The unexpected truth of our whole experience in Egypt at this time is the overwhelming feeling of patriotism, of possibility, and the overall graciousness by which we, as American tourists, were received. The energy of revolution/evolution was in the air.  It was strange to have to separate our anticipated angst from the on-the-ground reality. The media does exacerbate the tensions in our world. As anxious as we were, I'm so glad George & I took the leap of faith...even committing (knees knocking) to the propeller charter plane from Luxor to Cairo that unexpectedly gave us a bird's eye view of the worth it!
    Since filling you with dynasty and funerary facts might lead to an endless epic...Please just enjoy the pix!

Ramses II

Original color in freeze above 72 foot Karnak Temple columns

Reclamation work at Luxor

Cairo-burned out National Democratic Party Building

Luxor temple Pharoh depicted with his queen

Ritual Cleansing bath at Karnak Temple

First sighting of Great Pyramid above Giza suburb

Good-Bye Egypt....shocrun(Thank you!)

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