Friday, May 13, 2011

May 13th- Petra, Jordan

Here we are in the land of the ancient Nabeans, the cave-dwellers and bedouin ancesters of this Arabian area. It feels a little like Ali Baba is about to appear. Petra is the ancient city and 20th century re-discovery that was carved out of this Jordanian mountain range. Our guide "Machmoud" described our descent into the city by map.....

We descended through the narrow "Siq" passageway, through beautifully striated colorful rock formations. There was evidence that these ancient peoples had a sophisticated irrigation system that provided this hidden city with running water to cave-dwellers even in the higher elevations. A system of narrower striated rock "funnel" siphons created force to power water even uphill!

The final entry into the city and the appearance of the "Treasury" with its Greco-Roman influences was nothing short of breath-taking.

"Match me such a marvel, save in Eastern clime, A rose-red city
half as old as time" -Dean Burgen
There was nothing left to amaze and awe...a little coffee in the "casbah"......

And a camel ride out of the city led by Johnny Depp!!!

Doesn't get much better than this!

"Zu-Zu" and "Dezy"....we're not in Kansas anymore!

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