Monday, April 11, 2011

April 8th-Sihanoukville, Cambodia

Sihanoukville is a port that even our own cruise director needed to research....a fast-growing trading port and Cambodian tourist beach resort area.  We visited one of several inland villages, poor beyond any possible American standard, yet the same time, surrounding us in an amazing richness of spirit. Children, barely or very poorly clad, watched out for each other and for us as we negotiated cow patties and barbed wire fences to view ancestral burial sites and visit their revered town temple. There was communal and family support for their fellow classmates, who assembled themselves despite it being their New Year's holiday, just to sing their national songs and the alphabet for us. It was 90 degrees and 90% humidity with no fans in this schoolroom, paint peeling, and scant supplies. Attentiveness, smiles and respect all around. Maybe having a lot of stuff isn't always the answer! 
Village temple lifts village spirits in many ways

"Laugh & Cheap Home Clothing"....says it all

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