Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mar 11th-Manila, Philippines

Manila is the perfect transition to our trip further into Asia. The largest of 7,107 islands comprising The Philippines, Luzon is home to Manila. The Philippines have had a long history of changing colonial influences. The Dutch, the Spaniards,the English, the Japanese and the Americans all have left their flavors. The U.S left the legacy of a public education system that stressed the teaching of English. It is primarily why Manila seemed more familiar, though we were clearly in the minority population, all signs and all service personnel speak english fluently. The Philippine language seems to be reserved for speaking secondarily. For the first time in what seems like ages, the traffic pattern is looking familiar and we are not in as much danger crossing the streets that are thronged with family-owned, jump on-jump-off jitneys and pony driven carriages.

 We did pursue some culture in doing an excursion into the Spanish walled and moated city within Manila Intramuras. During the Spanish colonial rule in the 1700-1800's, no Philippinos were allowed to enter the walled city. It has been used over time as a  military base and to house and sometimes, to torture prisoners. Today, it stands as a museum, a memorial and a ceremonial gathering place.

We fed our non-cultural side by exploring the amazing "Mall of Asia"..., caught Matt Damon's new movie "Adjustment Bureau", viewed the enclosed olympic ice rink, the stage and sound studio for the Philippines version of "American Idols" newest and hottest hip-hop groups, dined on yummy fresh Thai vegetarian rolls and Pad Thai and Chinese Pork Bao....

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