Friday, February 18, 2011

Feb 18th-Hobart, Tasmania

We got a little closer to the hole in the ozone layer as we ascended Mt. Wellington's almost 5,000 foot pinnacle....and then mountain-biked it, brakes squealing, back down to Hobart from the summit. It was exhilarating....We could hear waterfalls and we could smell eucalyptus along the way, but with braking the entire time, it was impossible to look at anything flying by at an abnormal amount of speed. Still we arrived in Hobart in one piece, glad we had undertaken the "un-sightseeing" experience. Here is a view from the top of Mt. Wellington.

We walked the afternoon away in the picturesque 18th century downtown  and the artsy, pub area near the port called Salamanca ( perfect for a  James Bond escape sequence). Before we left, we could not resist a bit of typical tourist clap-trap.....I give you.......

                                          The Tasmanian Devil with The Tasmanian Nevilles!

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