Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Feb 10th-Tauranga

Fastest growing area in NZ. Home of the timber industry and the Kiwi Fruit. Te Puka is the Kiwi town. Kiwi growing is very serious business. There are the regular green kiwi and now the smooth skinned golden (pictured above ready for picking this April), and here in NZ there are 3-4 numbered varieties in the pipeline. There is only 1male vine, planted around 4-5 female vines. At flowering (males have flowers, but no fruit) several beehives are strategically placed among the vines to ensure pollenation. Extra sugar syrup is provided to keep the bees interested and well-fed. The hives are removed in a few weeks and the male vines are cut back severely to allow the females max room.

Pyramid lines are strung above the vines for the next year's fruit-bearing growth which will be let down after the current year's fruit is totally picked. Before picking can begin, a fruit inspector must chemically test in the orchard to ensure a certain sugar content...the okay is given and local new zealanders do the picking, by hand. Fruit is stored for 24 hours, then sorted by size, crated and can be stored in 1degree C for up to a you know!

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